Camlok 92 Series Vertical Plate Clamps


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Product Code 92 Series Category: Tag:


These clamps are primarily used for transporting sheet metal and steel plates in the vertical position, as well as lifting and rotating through 1800.

They can also be used for transporting steel constructions and profiles. It is recommended to use a pair of plate clamps in conjunction with a spreader beam for long materials which have a tendency to sag or flex.


The jaw is opened and closed with the locking lever except for the 92-500 which uses a positive spring-loaded cam. The safety lock spring loads the cam jaw, preventing the clamp from opening even when there is no load on the jaw.

Workmanship and parts

These plate clamps are service-friendly, making it easy to exchange parts, which are readily available. Clamp repairs are available through the factory, or can be done by a competent person.

NB: The plate surface of the material must have a hardness level below HRC 30/Brinell 300.

* Per Clamp

** Weight per clamp with hook ring

*** Please note units are supplied with standard hook ring, link fitting and chain are available on request as special order.





We are a UK Distributor for Camlok, we can supply any of your needs. So please give us a call on 01953 889998 or email us at Camlok are the leading brand for Plate Clamps and other items of lifting equipment. There most popular plate clamp 92 Series you can find on our website along with a few others CH, TPM and PH. All products are designed for easy repair and spare parts readily available.
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